McEntire Family

McEntire Family

March 29, 2011

Good Times In March

The month of March just flew by. Our family had so many things going on this month. My favorite from this month was our camping trip. Mark took us to Beaver Creek. We got there pretty late at night but were able to set up camp and cuddle together in the tent. The boys did awesome! They were so excited to be sleeping under the stars and in a camping house. We woke up the next morning to daddy making breakfast-I can tell the hippies camping next to us were jealous of our breakfast:) Later in the day we went to Montezuma Well and it was amazing. We hiked to the bottom of the well and were able to see the old dwellings the Indians use to live in. It was a great learning experience for the kids. Sam asked lots of questions like "where are the Indians now?" "why did they die?" "Where are they buried?" He was so concerned for people that died hundreds of years ago. We had a really good talk about death and the life after. Not sure how much he understood but he seemed content with the answers I gave him. This month we also got to attend Brandon's baptism. We drove up to Payson and spent the day with the fam. I love baptim's because it is impossible to not feel the holy spirit's presence. This month was also my birthday (and Ms. Mokey's too:). I turned 27 this year-now feeling old. 27 sounds old, I know its not but it just sounds it. My final happy surprise this month was finding out we are having another baby! We look forward to welcoming baby McEntire #3.

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